Elevate your practice: Inversions for ALL Levels
Energizing practice to build strength, mobility and understanding of inversion mechanics
Service Description
with Terez Greskova An energizing practice of moving breathing meditation with a systematic approach where every posture has multiple variants to fit all body types. The practice is spiced up with several workshops to build strength, mobility understanding of various balancing inversion postures. We will experiment with headstands, forearm balances and even arm balances, that are accessible for all levels. Don't hesitate to join. This practice is physical but at the same time based on the philosophy of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and 8 limbs of Yoga.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To respect the Kona community, please make sure to cancel a class at least 10 hours before its start time to avoid blocking the spot for other Kona yogis waiting to join. If only one person has booked a group class, the class may be canceled, and you will receive a cancellation email. For drop-in classes: If you cancel, a fee of €1 will be collected to process the payment through our partners (PayPal, Stripe).